Conversion Metrics Calculator

Download the Conversion Metrics Calculator

Where is the friction in your sales process? Just look at the conversion metrics in your sales funnel to find out. Here is a conversion metrics calculator that will tell you how your sales funnel compares with industry benchmarks.

The Conversion Metrics Calculator will help you understand the value of your website as a demand generation engine and where there may be friction in your sales process.  Here is how it works…

Input your previous month’s values for Website Visitors, Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL’s), Sales Qualified Leads (SQL’s), Sales Opportunites, and Closed Deals in the yellow boxes.

Now view the conversion rates in next column. These are your conversion rates based on your monthly metrics. Make sure these are typical values for what you normally experience.

The next 3 columns contain benchmark data from an Aberdeen Group study of 199 sales and marketing organizations. They correlated the results with companies that were best-in-class, average, and laggards, in terms of sales and marketing efficiency.

How do your conversion rates compare with the benchmarks?

Just below the table is a graphical view of your sales funnel. Use this as a baseline. Your goal is to continuously improve these metrics every month by taking initiatives to improve website performance, marketing efficiency and sales productivity.

Improve your conversion rates

Use this calculator to establish a baseline for sales funnel efficiency and identify the friction in your sales process.

Download the spreadsheet and see how you compare with industry benchmarks. Model differnet scnearios to see how you can improve performance and win more business.